Articles scientifiques

Cette section propose les articles scientifiques publiés.



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Lessons learned from COVID-19 lockdown for cancer care: a nationwide survey of oncologists in Luxembourg.
Backes C, Moran V,  Berchem G, Goncharenko N, Rauh S, Magalhaes C, Suhrcke M, Huiart L, Couffignal S, Vogin G, Untereiner M.
Bull Soc Sci Med Grand Duche Luxemb. 2020; 2:39-61.

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Interpretation of best medical coding practices by case-based reasoning - A user assistance prototype for data collection for cancer registries.
Schnell M, Couffignal S, Lieber J, Saleh S, Jay N.
2018 Jul. In AIH 2018, First Joint Workshop on AI in Health, Stockholm, Sweden, 13-14 July 2018. Lenz R, Montagna S, Bichindaritz I, Martin C, ten Teije A, Koster A, Guttmann C, Reichert M, Riano D, Guttmann C, Koch F, Schumacher MI, Herrero P, Ibanez BL, Marling C, Montani S and Wiratunga N, eds. Aachen: CEUR-WS, 2018. p.121-124. (CEUR Workshop Proceedings, Vol.2142).

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Case-based interpretation of best medical coding practices—Application to data collection for cancer registries. In Case-based reasoning research and development.
Schnell M, Couffignal S, Lieber J, Saleh S, Jay N.
2017 Jun. Aha DW and Lieber J, eds. Springer Verlag, 2017. p.345-359. (Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence LNAI, Vol. 10339). ISBN 978-3-319-61030-6; 978-3-319-61029-0.

